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Clean Speech 2025

The Clean Speech Project is going all gratitude-out! Starting on February 2nd, the Clean Speech Project is launching its Ten Day Gratitude Journey. With parent-child sessions across the country, over 70 schools and communities are involved! A joint project of Seed & GIFT, the Clean Speech Project goal this year is changing people’s daily perspective through building the muscle of gratitude. The ten day study guide has daily study, challenges, alongside sections with family stories and guest articles by the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Doron Perez, Jo Grose, Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein, Rabbi Malcolm Herman and other top educators. The parent-child learning in various schools and cheders is space-themed (!), with the children working through an imaginary trip to space to develop their gratitude, with challenges and exercises along the way. The project has once again excelled in its creativity – from storybooks to gratitude slapbands (write a compliment and put it on someone’s arm); the Clean Speech Team in Manchester have also developed a ‘gratitude credit card’ for compliments to be passed from person to person.

Rabbi Daniel Fine, co-founder of Clean Speech UK and Seed Director of Education (London) commented “The Clean Speech Project UK has been such a warmly-received project across the community. It has taken key Jewish focus areas and shown how relevant and important they are to our lives. We’ve all gained hugely from it, and the feedback we’ve received has been tremendous.

Last year of the hundreds of people who gave feedback, 80% said that the project would change the way they spoke. This year we hope even more will be developing their gratitude!”