London Summer 2018 - page 39

Some feedback from our participants:
“Thank you so much for organising a very successful Friday night dinner at Etz Chaim.
We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and the kids loved all the songs and being with their
friends…Every time I see someone who was at the event all I have heard is positive
feedback and how they can't wait until the next one!"-
"It always amazes me what amine of information Rabbi Bazak is - the inspiring stories and
parenting lessons in life that hemanages to fit into a 10minute slot are genius!"-
"Rabbi Herman - I just listened to such a wonderful, practical shiur that you gave about
chinuch within the family, which I really found very inspiring and exciting - the ideas that
you have to teach fundamental Jewish concepts are so brilliant. I really feel privileged to
have the opportunity to learn fromyou!"-
"Reflecting on last week's mother and daughter LINKS Batmitzvah trip to Israel led by
Joanne Dove, I am so grateful to have had the special bonding time with my batmitzvah
girl and for the new friendships made with the wonderful ladies and their daughters on the
trip. I was so inspired by all the amazing speakers and outings arranged for us. We thank
you from the bottom of our hearts for such an amazing and unforgettable experience." -
"I'mnot quite sure how to put intowords the thanks I want to extend to you after our Poland
trip. These last 3 days (is that all it was?) were such an emotional roller-coaster and
spiritual journey. I have Parents' Evening tonight for my class I teach. I don't want to
tell the parents how their children can improve their Maths, their English, their
behaviour. Instead, I want to share your message - teach them to be Jewish. Teach them
to make a difference. And I will endeavour to do the same with my own children." -
Poland participant
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