Seed Summer Survival Guide - page 2

Have empathy for your kids.
Parents can find school holidays stressful…but children
experience stress, too. They might miss their routine,
their friends, or be stressed by spending more time
with a sibling. Empathy can go a long way.
The magic wand of parenting - true listening.
Sit down with each child and listen to their concerns
about the holidays. Why not ask for feedback on
planned activities? A young child does not need the
stress of ‘making a decision’, but older children may
have some helpful suggestions.
Let the kids do some of it. No, really.
You might feel “If I don’t do things around here,
nothing gets done”. But be honest about your role
in ensuring the kids don't help out. Giving children
responsibilities not only keeps them busy but can
also raise their self-esteem.
Down time for all.
Make sure both you and the kids have some regular
quiet down-time. Set rules around private space and
consider a time limit, like 20 minutes.
Go for some giving.
Consider helping others as a family. It
costs nothing but your time, and
volunteering is proven to boost your
mood. It may give your kids (and you)
perspective on how much there is to
be grateful for, meaning less
complaining all round.
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